Pushpins in "Bing Maps Control for WPF" can be styled in XAML. The code below may seem a bit much, but this is actually very flexible and easy to adjust. And it doesn't require code-behind that is forgotten when copying, problems with change of names that isn't reflected in code or overriding rendering events. It also get additional benefits at a later stage since this can also contain text( see below ) be data-bound, bound to other controls or templates or be rotated and transformed. We could also control size or placement according to converters related to real-world sizes like meters or have it's visbility set according to zoom-level. This is out of scope here but I will try to get to that later. In the example below the styles are placed inside the map-control in <m:Map.Resources> . This is handy when designing or for a cut-copy-paste library. But this get quite a bit readable when it's moved into an Application.Resource in App.Xaml or in it...
There are alternatives, but the basic Bing Maps for WPF has a lot of resources and a strong documentation available. Microsoft has moved the focus to the UWP-version and the WEB-version, but for desktop applications that requires local file operations this is still the basic tool. I have been using " XAML Map Control " by Clemens Ficher a lot. But since that control is modelled after the features of "BingMaps"the toolkits below will still be relevant. To get started we should get the bing-map-key from Microsoft here: https://www.bingmapsportal.com/ First off there is the Control itself. It can be found on Nuget: PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.WPF Then I add the Spatial Toolbox ( see below ). This is not on Nuget, so you have to download it , unpack it, and then include it to your project. You can add a reference to the toolbox project to your solution (Located in the archive folders, and named: Microsoft.Maps.SpatialToolbox.Core and Micros...
Working on a project with editing shapes I came over a problem when I wanted to canced the operation when the user pressed the escape-key. When I added an event handler for KeyPress or KeyDown or even PreviewKeyDown it never fired. This was because the graphical elements didn't actully have focus. For my user-control for the graphic element I solved this by adding this in the constructor: this.Focusable = true; this.FocusVisualStyle = null; The second line ensured that the dotted focus-rectangle also disseapeared. For a xaml-based approach this is the markup: <Canvas Focusable="True" FocusVisualStyle="{x:Null}"> <!-- The shapes or elements like an elipse, rectangle, path or stack-panel... --> </Canvas>
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